愛回家_HK 3 days ago
有無聽過AML ( Algerbraic Machine Learning ) 係乜?
【0x答問】2025-03-07 代數機器學習 vs 深度學習 / 創業是一將功成萬骨枯〈Allen〉
kwlam20 3 days ago
Good morning, Allen. You always mention being positive is an indispensable element of success, like Jensen Huang, Bill Gates and Zuckerberg. I am convinced that from statistics, there is a higher chance of success for a single person with positive character. However, is there a higher probability of total loss for more people with such character?
HK government is always criticised for being positive in dealing with the deficit. Should they have more encouragement?
Zelenskyy is very positive for the victory of his country. Why somebody not support him? Both Putin and Zelenskyy are very positive for the victory and a bright future of their nations. What should be our stand?
You response is highly appreciated and looking forward to your enlightenment.
BTW, I am not familiar with the functions of YouTube and I am not sure whether I can get any notification. Thx
Is it similar to the propaganda of US that democracy is essential for the prosperity of a country, with a good example of US?
【0x答問】2025-03-07 代數機器學習 vs 深度學習 / 創業是一將功成萬骨枯〈Allen〉
@hoyuenhon84 8 days ago
講下Grok 3性能 thz!
【0x簡報】2025-03-02 GPT4.5推出 說服力驚人!? / OpenAI技窮 內憂外患〈Allen〉
rayhon1014 10 days ago
Thanks for your sharing! Can you discuss in-depth about how DeepSeek makes use of RL to reduce the need to labeled data to train their model?
【0x答問直播】2025-02-27 Algo Trade普遍唔work? / 學AI要學乜嘢? / 回應聯繫匯率問題 〈Allen Gary〉
hi95476 10 days ago
想問少少有關NVIDIA Tesla P100 GPU , 網上有人教用 ,集成PLX芯片, 用4張P100 去行70B 大模型, 只推理, 不訓練 , 你覺得如何? 性價比會否更高?
【0x答問直播】2025-02-27 Algo Trade普遍唔work? / 學AI要學乜嘢? / 回應聯繫匯率問題 〈Allen Gary〉
walkersky3113 10 days ago
點解傳統電腦計2^4 次, 量子電腦只需計4 次, 可解釋下嗎?
【0x答問直播】2025-02-27 Algo Trade普遍唔work? / 學AI要學乜嘢? / 回應聯繫匯率問題 〈Allen Gary〉
legosapporo7356 10 days ago
【0x答問直播】2025-02-27 Algo Trade普遍唔work? / 學AI要學乜嘢? / 回應聯繫匯率問題 〈Allen Gary〉
愛回家_HK 10 days ago
【0x答問直播】2025-02-27 Algo Trade普遍唔work? / 學AI要學乜嘢? / 回應聯繫匯率問題 〈Allen Gary〉
HKWong-kw9nm 10 days ago
【0x答問直播】2025-02-27 Algo Trade普遍唔work? / 學AI要學乜嘢? / 回應聯繫匯率問題 〈Allen Gary〉
選擇仔 10 days ago
想問如果要學呢類型Machine Learning,應該點開始學習?
【0x答問直播】2025-02-27 Algo Trade普遍唔work? / 學AI要學乜嘢? / 回應聯繫匯率問題 〈Allen Gary〉
20081428s 10 days ago
thanks for sharing, 有幾條關於垂直領域問題想問
1. 以你既經驗,如果要fine tune一個垂直領域LLM要用幾多參數量既base model先最理想?
2. Data retrieval方面embedding model我用過nomic同bge-m3兩者都好難捕足 glossary, abbreviation ( ex: 8號波 == 8號風球 ) , 呢d情況fine tune embedding model拉近兩者既vector距離係咪合理?
【0x答問直播】2025-02-27 Algo Trade普遍唔work? / 學AI要學乜嘢? / 回應聯繫匯率問題 〈Allen Gary〉
LeeChunYu 10 days ago
周顯係你地大老細?? 真定假??
【0x答問直播】2025-02-27 Algo Trade普遍唔work? / 學AI要學乜嘢? / 回應聯繫匯率問題 〈Allen Gary〉
georgewong1709 10 days ago
【0x答問直播】2025-02-27 Algo Trade普遍唔work? / 學AI要學乜嘢? / 回應聯繫匯率問題 〈Allen Gary〉
takpang8795 10 days ago
【0x答問直播】2025-02-27 Algo Trade普遍唔work? / 學AI要學乜嘢? / 回應聯繫匯率問題 〈Allen Gary〉
SunYuetCHEUNG 10 days ago
張五常嘅身家同孫正義無得比, 當張有十億, 孫可能有過千億, 馬雲叫對方投一億, 對孫係小數, 對張黎講係大數
【0x答問直播】2025-02-27 Algo Trade普遍唔work? / 學AI要學乜嘢? / 回應聯繫匯率問題 〈Allen Gary〉

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